Bike Fitting at Pedal PT
Last year I had setup my new cross bike to the measurements I had done a few years ago while working at a shop in Eugene. After a gnarly crash a few weeks ago in which I nearly taco'd my front wheel on my mountain bike and landed hard on my right side, I've been experiencing chronic shoulder and back pain and tightness. I decided it was time to head to a Physical Therapist.
I made an appointment for a PT check in with Kevin and then a Bike Fitting the next week. After an hour fitting, that included a physical assessment, I was on my way. The list of adjustments was short. He tilted my saddle up a couple degrees moved my cleat forward on the right foot a few mm and lowered my saddle... 8mm! (that is a lot) I have to be honest that when I left, my seat felt obscenely low, but 1 month later my shoulder pain is gone and I feel like I have more power in this new position then ever!
Thanks Kevin!
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