Left Coast Bicycles now makes house calls!
Check out this post about us at BikePortland.org!
Portland-based mobile bike shop Left Coast Bicycles has found a niche by showing up at workplaces to perform service and maintenance for employees for many companies in the region. Now company owner Aaron Michalson and staff will come to right to your front door.
The service aims to rid people of the hassle of taking their bike into a shop. All you do is book a time and one of their mechanics will pick-up your bike and give it a full tune-up.
Left Coast Bicycles was founded in 2012. Michalson is a retail bike shop veteran who realized that he could service bikes at people’s workplaces while encouraging employers to promote more biking to work. “Our business clients realize bringing a mechanic to their business is a great way to express support for biking as a way of life and is an effective means to help put biking-as-transport on equal footing as other transportation modes.”
Left Coast is a full-service mobile shop that is using a fleet of cargo-trailers operated by 2 full-time mechanics and several on-call staff when things get busy.